Starting a new year

January 10, 2018by Tabula

With a new academic year almost upon us, there is so much to reflect on from the last 18 months. Education in the pandemic had to evolve incredibly quickly with online learning becoming the preferred method of delivery

Students of all ages showed their resilience and adaptability by approaching a new way of learning with gusto. Online learning has meant that the quality of children’s education has not been compromised as high calibre lessons have been delivered through a variety of platforms with feedback being given in much the same way as in a live classroom.

This can empower students and make them feel more confident and happier to become engaged in lessons.

The popularity of online learning remains undiminished; it is a highly effective and efficient way for children to learn and in an environment familiar to them. This can empower students and make them feel more confident and happier to become engaged in lessons. They have the confidence to delve deeper into a subject without the distractions of other students while in the comfort of their own home. These are just some of the reasons why, at Aster Tuition, all of our lessons are conducted online, through our own virtual classroom.