Read the First Chapter of my Book – The Depths

June 2, 2023by atadmin

The Depths is the first full-length children’s book I’ve written and I’m really proud of what I’ve achieved. I love the world I’ve created. The story revolves around young teen Mallory. Despite being a reluctant participant in the world’s first underwater mission, Mallory finds herself quite literally in the middle of the Indian Ocean as...

The Depths is the first full-length children’s book I’ve written and I’m really proud of what I’ve achieved. I love the world I’ve created.

The story revolves around young teen Mallory. Despite being a reluctant participant in the world’s first underwater mission, Mallory finds herself quite literally in the middle of the Indian Ocean as part of her research scientist parents’ underwater mission – the first of its kind. Life on board the Maris is spectacular and unique but fraught with potential disasters. 

This summer I’m excited to be launching a series of masterclasses for students and one of the modules we will be studying  is creative writing. 

Students who sign up will get a copy of The Depths so they can uncover how to create a fast-paced plot and what makes Mallory such an intriguing heroine. 

Have a read of the first chapter here and let me know your thoughts!

The Depths – 1st 3 Chapters_1-4